Only well-informed people can live securely in their homes

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Look up Word (type part or all of word in the box below):

Access for Permanently Installed Large Machinery and Equipment

Access for Permanently Installed Large Machinery and Equipment on the Home Building Timeline at X-19

Adjustments, UneXpected

Adjustments, UneXpected on the Home Building Timeline at Q-10, U-10, CC-18, EE-11, II-16, II-17, Y-15

Aging In Place

Aging In Place on the Home Building Timeline at V-23, X-26 and FF-22; and in the category  Aging-In-Place

Air Flow - Best Practice for FleXible Duct

Air Flow - Best Practice for FleXible Duct on the Home Building within the diagram beginning at FF-15

Appraisal for EXisting House with Planned Changes, Prior to Purchase

Appraisal for EXisting House with Planned Changes, Prior to Purchase on the Home Building Timeline at K-11

It's eXpensive to pre-appraise every house you might consider for purchase, so don't. But, as soon as all candidate properties are narrowed to only one, it could be very eXpedient to ascertain both present and future value, based on any planned renovations.

A little money spent now to gain critical knowledge, even if it leads to cancelling the project and purchase, could save a fortune, as well as avert years of potential heartache.

Area, EXterior

Area, EXterior on the Home Building Timeline at R-25


Backfill EXplained

Backfill EXplained on the Home building Timeline at  S-14

Application at R-16

Balloon Mortgage

Balloon Mortgage : At the end of the initial phase of a sub-prime mortgage, in which monthly payments are kept artificially low, payments eXpand suddenly, overnight or "balloon" to many times the original payment amount. Those people who borrow such a Balloon Mortgage find themselves unable to make the very high payments each month, and are forced into foreclosure. Be here warned to NEVER become part of such a financial arrangement.

See GHOST BUBBLE, an Amazon Kindle eBook

Basement EXcavation

Basement EXcavation on the Home Building Timeline at W-1

BEADS Keystone

BEADS Keystone on the Home Building Timeline described, beginning at H-10, implemented at L-10.

This contains the MOST CRITICAL questions, which must be asked as if the entire BEADS Keystone is one step.

This is the most critical aspect of site selection, and construction. The BEADS Keystone is applicable throughout the entire process of home planning, building, remodeling, flipping, and selling.

Further, the BEADS Keystone eXtends into the future, after move-in, and affects every aspect of home maintenance, comfortable living, and peaceful enjoyment.

Blend EXterior Wall Surfaces

Blend EXTERIOR WALL SURFACES on the Home building Timeline in the diagram beginning at CC-10

BOOK - Ghost Bubble by Andy Bozeman

BOOK - Ghost Bubble by Andy Bozeman on the Home Building Timeline at N-5

BOOK - If I'd Known That Was Going to Happen When I Built My House, I Might've Gone Camping Instead

BOOK - If I'd Known That Was Going to Happen When I Built My House, I Might've Gone Camping Instead by Andy Bozeman on the Home Building Timeline at P-3

Bracing, Wall

Bracing, Wall on the Home Building Timeline at X-17


Cantilever Deck Addition

Cantilever Deck Addition on the Home Building Timeline at X-20

Cleanup, Final

Cleanup, Final beginning on the Home Building Timeline at W-15, X-15

Coatings & Paint, Recycle

Coatings & Paint, Recycle on the Home Building Timeline at HH-5, JJ-12, X-15

Common Wall

Common Wall inside within the article Townhome Renovation Includes Neighbor's EXterior Common Wall


Common-Wall :

A wall between separate dwelling units, like condominiums, and townhomes.

Also see the Home Building Timeline article, Townhouse Renovation Includes Neighbor's EXterior Walls.

CompleXity of the Plan

CompleXity of the Plan on the Home Building Timeline at Y-23, U-24

Crawlspace EXcavation

Crawlspace EXcavation on the Home Building Timeline at T-3


X-Deck Addition Diagram

Deck Addition Diagram the Home Building Timeline at X-20

X-Deck and Deck Features, Build

Deck and Deck Features, Build on the Home Building Timeline at X-19

X-Drainage, FiX

Drainage, FiX on the Home Building Timeline at FF-5, and throughout the entire process.

X-Drainage, Preservation of EXisting

Drainage, Preservation of EXisting on the Home Building Timeline at II-22, II-23

X-Drainage, Storm, EXcavation

Drainage, Storm, EXcavation on the Home Building Timeline at Y-2

X-Drilled Pier Locations and Installation

Drilled Pier Locations and Installation on the Home Building Timeline at R-11, S-11, S-12, T-12, X-1, X-2, X-3

X-Driveway, Temporary, EXcavation

Driveway, Temporary, EXcavation on the Home Building Timeline at V-2

X-Ductwork & Air Flow - Best Practice for FleXible Duct

Ductwork & Air Flow - Best Practice for FleXible Duct on the Home Building within the diagram beginning at FF-15


Easement, MailboX

Easement, MailboX on the Home Building Timeline at H-4

Electric FiXture, Disconnect

Electric FiXture, Disconnect on the Home Building Timeline at KK-8

Electrician to Disconnect FiXtures

 Electrician to Disconnect FiXtures on the Home Building Timeline at KK-8

EXcavate Footings

EXcavate Footings on the Home Building Timeline at T-4

EXcavate for Basement

EXcavate for Basement - on the Home Building Timeline at W-1

EXcavate for Crawlspace

EXcavate for Crawlspace on the Home Building Timeline at T-3

EXcavate for Foundation

EXcavate for Foundation on the Home Building Timeline at T-4

EXcavation Phase

EXcavation Phase on the Home Building Timeline at Z-2

EXperience, Contractor's

EXperience, Contractor's on the Home Building Timeline at II-20


EXtent on the Home Building Timeline at G-7, H-13, S-25, Q-26, R-26, S-26, T-26

EXtent of Structure

EXtent of Structure on the Home Building G-7, H-13, S-25, Q-26, R-26, S-26, T-26



Diagrammed at at S-25, T-26


ALLOWED EXTENT OF STRUCTURES :The applied ‘eXtent’ of a structure is the part allowed to touch, but not cross a building line. Rules vary. The eXtent considered might be the edge of walls, footings, any overhangs, decks, patios, stoops, steps, eaves, arbors, and more. CHECK CAREFULLY.

EXterior Look and Style

EXterior Look and Style on the Home Building Timeline in the diagram beginning at W-21

EXterior Paint and Stain, Finish

EXterior Paint and Stain, Finish on the Home Building Timeline at DD-9

EXterior Surfacing & trim Materials - Order for Delivery

EXterior Surfacing & trim Materials - Order for Delivery on the Home Building Timeline at W-19

EXterior Wall Surfaces, Blend

EXterior Wall Surfaces, Blend on the Home Building Timeline in the diagram beginning at CC-10

EXterior Wall Surfaces, Match

EXterior Wall Surfaces, Match on the Home Building Timeline in the diagram beginning at CC-10


Face Plate Removal During Painting

Face Plate Removal During Painting on the Home Building Timeline at X-6

Final Inspection

Final Inspection on the Home Building Timeline at X-15


Firestop on the Home Building Timeline at X-17

FiX the Drainage

FiX the Drainage on the Home Building Timeline at FF-5, and throughout the entire process.

Flooring, Install All (eXcept carpeting)


Flooring, Install All (eXcept carpeting) on the Home Building Timeline at U-12

For Carpet Installation see U-13

Footings, EXcavate For

Footings, EXcavate For on the Home Building Timeline at T-4

Foundation, EXcavate For

Foundation, EXcavate For on the Home Building Timeline at T-4

Front Building Line

Front Building Line on the HomeBuildingTimeline at E4 and E5.

Also see BEADS Keystone

The FRONT BUILDING LINE, also know as the front setback line, marks the point on any given property that is the nearest to the Front property line where a structure may be built.

MEASURING THE FRONT BUILDING LINE : The Front Building Line cannot measured from the street. the curb, the edge of the pavement, or the edge of the road. It must be measured from the property line designated as the Front of the lot. If you are unable to determine the eXact location of the Front Property Line, then find a professional who can offer assistance.


Front Setback Line

Front Setback Line on the Home Building Timeline at B-9, C-9, E4, E5.

The FRONT SETBACK LINE, also known as the front building line, marks the point on any given property that is the nearest to the Front property line where a structure may be built.

MEASURING THE FRONT Setback LINE : The Front Setback Line is NOT measured from the street. the curb, the edge of the pavement, or the edge of the road. It must be measured from the property line designated as the Front of the lot. If you are unable to determine the eXact location of the Front Setback Line, then find a professional who can offer assistance.


Furniture - Allow enough room - on the Home Building Timeline at X-25


Garage Size

Garage Size on the Home Building Timeline at I-9, NN-9, OO-9, PP-9, QQ-9, RR-9, SS-8, UU-9, VV-9, WW-9, X-26

Green Building TaX Incentives

Green Building TaX Incentives on the Home Building Timeline at II-16


Helical Pier Locations and Installation

Helical Pier Locations and Installation - on the Home building Timeline at T-11, R-13, T-13X-1

Holes in the EXterior, Find and FiX

Holes in the EXterior, Find and FiX on the Home Building Timeline at Z-14, AA-14


Inspection, Drilled Pier

Inspection, Drilled Pier on the Home Building Timeline at X-2

Inspection, Final

Inspection, Final on the Home Building Timeline at X-15

Interior Painting

Interior Painting on the Home Building Timeline at X-6


Kitchen Design, Storage, and Practical Use

Kitchen Design, Storage, and Practical Use on the Home Building Timeline at X-8, and within the on-timeline article centered on Z-9

Kitchen Planning

Kitchen Planning on the Home Building Timeline at Z-9, X-26

Kitchen Utensil Storage

Kitchen Utensil Storage on the Home Building Timeline at X-8, X-9


Landscape, Cleanup

Landscape, Cleanup on the Home Building Timeline at X-15

Light FiXture Delivery to Site

Light FiXture Delivery to Site on the Home Building Timeline at V-7

Light FiXture Removal for Renovation

Light FiXture Removal for Renovation on the Home Building Timeline at KK-7

Light Pollution

LIGHT POLLUTION on the Home Building Timeline at H-18, Hazards of Site Selection.

Lighting FiXture, Inspection and Repair

Lighting FiXture, Inspection and Repair on the Home Building Timeline at Z-14, AA-14


MailboX Easement

MailboX Easement on the Home Building Timeline at H-4

Match EXterior Wall Surfaces

Match EXterior Wall Surfaces on the Home Building Timeline in the diagram beginning at CC-10

MaXimizing the Plan

MaXimizing the Plan on the Home Building Timeline at Y-24, discussed at Y-25


Paint & Coatings, Recycle

Paint & Coatings, Recycle  on the Home Building Timeline at HH-5, JJ-12, X-15

Paint : EXterior - Pre-Paint, Pre-Prime, Pre-Stain

Paint : EXterior - Pre-Paint, Pre-Prime, Pre-Stain on the Home Building Timeline at EE-12

Paint and Stain, Finish EXterior

Paint and Stain, Finish EXterior on the Home Building Timeline at DD-9

Paint Interior

Paint Interior on the Home Building Timeline at X-6

Paint, EXterior Trim - pre-Prime

Paint, EXterior Trim - pre-Prime on the Home Building Timeline at EE-12

Parking Area, Temporary, EXcavation

Parking Area, Temporary, EXcavation on the Home Building Timeline at V-2

Plan Verification for EXcavation

Plan Verification for EXcavation on the Home Building Timeline at Z-2

Plumbing Drains - EXisting

Plumbing Drains - EXisting on the Home Building Timeline at Q-25


Recycle Paint & Coatings

Recycle Paint & Coatings on the Home Building Timeline at HH-5, JJ-12, X-15

Right of Way on the Home Building Timeline at E-4, E-5, also within the on-timeline article, SITE LINES at F-6. Also diagrammed at B-10, C-10, D-10, B-11, C-11, D-11, A-15, D-15, A-16, D-16

A Right-of-Way (ROW) for a street, road, or highway is a special parcel of land. A road ROW sits beside and between other parcels of property. Some eXamples are streets, interstate highways, railroad tracks, gas lines, and power lines.

A Right-of-Way for utilities is a special type of easement, and may pass through a privately owned parcel of land. In such a case, the landowner still possesses the land, but is not allowed to ever build within the ROW. EXamples are gas pipelines, powerlines, and other utilities like cable television and telephone; and driveways allowing one owner to cross another owner's land.

ROW or Right of Way


ROW or Right of Way on the Home Building Timeline at E-4, E-5, also within the article, SITE LINES at F-6. Also diagrammed at B-10, C-10, D-10, B-11, C-11, D-11, A-15, D-15, A-16, D-16

A Right-of-Way (ROW) for a street, road, or highway is a special parcel of land. A road ROW sits beside and between other parcels of property. Some eXamples are streets, interstate highways, railroad tracks, gas lines, and power lines.

 A Right-of-Way for utilities is a special type of easement, and may pass through a privately owned parcel of land. In such a case the landowner still possesses the land, but is not allowed to ever build within the ROW. EXamples are gas pipelines, powerlines, and other utilities like cable television and telephone; and driveways allowing one owner to cross another owner's land.


Smoke, ToXic

Smoke, ToXic on the Home Building Timeline at CC-3

Stain and Paint, Finish EXterior

Stain and Paint, Finish EXterior on the Home Building Timeline at DD-9

Stop and Think


Stop, and Think on the Home Building Timeline EVERYWHERE.

"Thinking" is the second least-used tactic in the planning and construction process. The first least-employed tactic is stopping to do it.

Building anything dwelling-related is a hurried, high-pressure, higher-eXpectations, highest-emotional-state eXperience. 'Reason' is replaced by anXiety; and bad decision-making follows, naturally. The cure is to give yourself a moment to consider options. So, stop and think.


Learn these phrases and use them often:


"This doesn't seem right. I need some time to think about it."


"Let's look at that more closely."


"How can we fiX this problem?"


Gain the high ground in any situation by seizing the moment to stop and think.

Concerning every aspect of this project :

If you're unsure, stop and become certain.

If a thing is unknown to you, stop and learn about it.

When a mistake is made, by you or others, stop and find of a solution.

The key word is STOP. Don't worry if people around you are impatient. Stand firm, as you actively seek positive solutions. -AB


Storage, Kitchen

Storage, Kitchen on the Home Building Timeline at X-8, and within the article centered on Z-9

Storage, Kitchen Utensil

Storage, Kitchen Utensil on the Home Building Timeline at X-8, X-9

Storm Drainage EXcavation

Storm Drainage EXcavation on the Home Building Timeline at Y-2

Storm Shelter EXcavation

Storm Shelter EXcavation on the Home Building Timeline at W-2

Style, EXterior

Style, EXterior on the Home Building Timeline in the diagram beginning at W-21

Sump Pit EXcavation

Sump Pit EXcavation on the Home Building Timeline at W-2, W-3

Super Genius

Super Genius

Andy Noel founder of is one. He created the mechanism for this IndeX.

Sander de Wijs (de-Veihs for Americans) owner of The Netherlands-based is chief of programming, and also a super genius. He writes all of the code to make function.


TaX Incentives, Green Building

TaX Incentives, Green Building  on the Home Building Timeline at II-16


TeXting on the Home Building Timeline at MM-15

Inside within the articles:

Distracted Driving - Hidden Building Cost - No Recovery

All Communications Must Be Direct

Townhome Wall Maintenance

Townhome Wall Maintenance inside

Within the article Townhome Renovation Includes Neighboring EXterior Common Wall

ToXic Materials Transportation Permit

ToXic Materials Transportation Permit on the Home Building Timeline at KK-13

ToXic Materials, Handling Permits for

ToXic Materials, Handling Permits for on the Home Building Timeline at KK-11

ToXic Smoke

ToXic Smoke on the Home Building Timeline at CC-3

Tree - Closest ProXimity for Construction

Tree - Closest ProXimity for Construction on the Home Building Timeline within the diagram centered on KK-6 

Trim, EXterior Installation

Trim, EXterior Installation on the Home building Timeline at EE-12


UneXpected Adjustments

UneXpected Adjustments on the Home Building Timeline at Q-10, U-10, CC-18, EE-11, II-16, II-17, Y-15

USDA Mortgage & Plan Requirements

USDA Mortgage & Plan Requirements : The information and documentation required to qualify for, and process a USDA home loan.

The list is eXtensive and includes detailed financial information, land survey and title-of-ownership documentation, and assurance documentation proving compliance with all applicable building codes, energy codes, and design standards. 

Usefulness of the Plan, The

Usefulness of the Plan on the Home Building Timeline at X-24, discussed at X-25

Usefulness, Kitchen

Usefulness, Kitchen on the Home Building Timeline at X-8, and within the article centered on Z-9

Utensil Storage, Kitchen

Utensil Storage, Kitchen  on the Home building Timeline at X-8, X-9


Vehicle Parking, Indoor Clearances for

Vehicle Parking, Indoor Clearances for on the Home Building Timeline within the diagram beginning at OO-10, QQ-20, TT-19, X-26


© Copyright 2010 - Andy Bozeman
  Site by ProSaura Systems LLC