Affordable : Articles concerning effective cost control for building of new homes, additions, remodeling, and renovations are within the Home Building Timeline category AFFORDABLE.
Aging In Place
Aging In Place on the Home Building Timeline at V-23, X-26 and FF-22; and in the category Aging-In-Place
Allowed Building Area
Allowed Building Area on the Home Building Timeline at D-1, HH-22
Also see BEADS Keystone
Aluminum Corrosion
Aluminum Corrosion In within the article Avoid Aluminum Failure by the Sea
Also see Early Specifications & Material Selection on the Home Building Timeline at EE-22, FF-25
Andy Bozeman - The results of the worK of Andy Bozeman is all over Home Building Timeline because he wrote it and drew all the illustrations. Good job, Andy !
Appraisal for Existing House with Planned Changes, Prior to Purchase
Appraisal for Existing House with Planned Changes, Prior to Purchase on the Home Building Timeline at K-11
It's expensive to pre-appraise every house you might consider for purchase, so don't. But, as soon as all candidate properties are narrowed to only one, it could be very expedient to ascertain both present and future value, based on any planned renovations.
A little money spent now to gain critical Knowledge, even if it leads to cancelling the project and purchase, could save a fortune, as well as avert years of potential heartache.
BacKfill on the Home Building Timeline at R-16; described at S-14
BacKfill Explained
BacKfill Explained on the Home building Timeline at S-14
Application at R-16
Balloon Mortgage
Balloon Mortgage : At the end of the initial phase of a sub-prime mortgage, in which monthly payments are Kept artificially low, payments expand suddenly, overnight or "balloon" to many times the original payment amount. Those people who borrow such a Balloon Mortgage find themselves unable to maKe the very high payments each month, and are forced into foreclosure. Be here warned to NEVER become part of such a financial arrangement.
BEADS Keystone on the Home Building Timeline described, beginning at H-10, implemented at L-10.
This contains the MOST CRITICAL questions, which must be asKed as if the entire BEADS Keystone is one step.
This is the most critical aspect of site selection, and construction. The BEADS Keystone is applicable throughout the entire process of home planning, building, remodeling, flipping, and selling.
Further, the BEADS Keystone extends into the future, after move-in, and affects every aspect of home maintenance, comfortable living, and peaceful enjoyment.
Bearing Soil
Bearing Soil - part of the BEADS Keystone on the Home Building Timeline at I-11
Bearing Soil Test
Bearing Soil Test on the Home Building Timeline at M-17, described at K-18, M-20, S-23
BlacKout, Seasonal
BLACKOUT, SEASONALat H-18 on the Home Building Timeline.
Borrowing NEVERS on the Home Building Timeline at K-6
Boundary Line
Boundary Line on the Home Building Timeline within BEADS Keystone at H-10, I-10 L-12
BricK and Mortar - Order for Delivery
BricK and Mortar - Order for Delivery on the Home Building Timeline at EE-13
BricK WorK, Stone WorK, and Masonry WorK
BricK WorK, Stone WorK, and Masonry WorK on the Home Building Timeline at EE-10
Building Area, Allowed
Building Area, Allowed on the Home Building Timeline at Item P at E-3
Also see D-14 as green triangle, and noted at D-15
Also see BEADS Keystone
Building Line
Building Line on the HomeBuildingTimeline within the diagram centered at D-3 illustrating many types of Building Lines. Also see the Article SITE LINES, which begins at F-6. Also B-9.
Also see BEADS Keystone at I-11
NO-BUILD ZONES are designated on a property survey/plat by BUILDING LINES. No construction may occur in the space between any Building Line and any associated property line.
Building Lines affect the Front, Sides, and Rear of the property; plus Easements, and Right of Ways. Sometimes even pavement and landscaping can be controlled by Building Lines.
Building Lines and Uncovered DecKs, Patios, and Terraces
Building Lines and Uncovered DecKs, Patios, and Terraces at A-1 on the Home Building Timeline
Building SetbacK Line
Building SetbacK Line on the Home Building Timeline within the diagram centered at D-3. Also see SITE LINES at F-6.
NO-BUILD ZONES are designated on a property survey/plat by Building SetbacK Lines. No construction may occur in the space between any Building SetbacK Line and any associated property line.
Building SetbacK Lines affect the Front, Sides, and Rear of the property; plus Easements, and Right of Ways. Sometimes even pavement and landscaping can be controlled by Building Lines.
Building SetbacK Line, Front
Building SetbacK Line, Front on the Home Building Timeline at B-9, C-9, B-14, E-14
Building Type
BUILDING TYPE on the Home Building Timeline within the BEADS KEYSTONE described at H-10, marKed on the timeline at L-12
Buried Infrastructure
Buried Infrastructure and Utilities Location Verification on the Home Building Timeline at K-14, O-23
Buried Utilities Location Verification
Buried Utilities Location Verification on the Home Building Timeline at K-14, O-23
Cabinets, Kitchen - Finish Installation
Cabinets, Kitchen - Finish Installation on the Home Building Timeline at U-12
Cantilever DecK Addition
Cantilever DecK Addition on the Home Building Timeline at X-20
Changes and MistaKes
Changes and MistaKes on the Home Building Timeline at Q-17
ChecK Basement Wall Forms
ChecK Basement Wall Forms on the Home Building Timeline at Q-9
Cleanup, Routine
Cleanup, Routine on the Home Building Timeline at EVERY step to reduce fire hazards, control drainage issues, manage dust control, and prevent ground-water poisoning.
At every step, and at the conclusion of every process, assure that the entire homesite is neat and clean. This dramatically reduces any potential FIRE HAZARD, as well as reducing the Accumulation and Damming of debris and trash resulting from Drainage.
PicK up tossed-away board ends. Collect them together for mulching, or to be carried off-site. DO NOT BURN!!!!
Police the entire site for lunch-garbage, including sacKs, wrappers, bottles, cans, and cartons.
PicKup cigar and cigarette butts.
NEVER allow, or tolerate, the tossing of any debris, or trash, into footings and foundation worKs. After the material decays, hollows are left, which will weaKen the foundation, and probably lead to foundation failure.
Sweep the floors and raKe the grounds, every day. Then, BAG the TRASH.
Search for the topic CLEANUP within
Cost of Insurance on the Home Building Timeline at K-11, L-14
Costs of Home Ownership - OVERLOOKED
Costs of Home Ownership - OVERLOOKED on the Home Building Timeline at L-8
Covenants (Plat Restrictions)
Covenants (Plat Restrictions) on the Home Building Timeline at F-9, within BEADS Keystone at H-10, and SITE HAZARDS at I-19, and M-16
Credit, Maintain
Credit, Maintain on the Home Building Timeline at K-7, M-6
Curbside Yard Debris Disposal and PicKup
Curbside Yard Debris Disposal and PicK-up on the Home Building Timeline at KK-1
DecK on the Home Building Timeline at A-1, A-2, DD-9, V-19
X-DecK Addition Diagram
DecK Addition Diagram the Home Building Timeline at X-20
X-DecK and DecK Features, Build
DecK and DecK Features, Build on the Home Building Timeline at X-19
X-DecK and Porch Construction, Finish
DecK and Porch Construction, Finish on the Home Building Timeline at DD-9
X-Dormer Window Diagram
Dormer Window Diagram on the Home Building Timeline beginning at K-21
X-Dormer with Gable Roof
Dormer with Gable Roof on the Home Building Timeline at K-22
X-Dormer with Shed Roof
Dormer with Shed Roof on the Home Building Timeline at K-22
Drainage - on the Home Building Timeline at EVERY step.
At every step, and in every process, assure that the drainage of all potential water, whether from rain, snow, broKen pipes, or yard sprinKlers, is fully controlled to prevent erosion, softening of bearing soil, and undesirable pooling and ponding under, around and inside the house, as well as across the property.
Search for the topic DRAINAGE within
X-Drawers, Kitchen
Drawers, Kitchen on the Home Building Timeline at AA-8
X-Dream, American
Dream, American on the Home Building Timeline at K-3
X-Drug MaKer Residue Remediation
Drug MaKer Residue Remediation on the Home Building Timeline at JJ-14, JJ-21, MM-22
X-DuctworK & Air Flow - Best Practice for Flexible Duct
DuctworK & Air Flow - Best Practice for Flexible Duct on the Home Building within the diagram beginning at FF-15
X-DuctworK - Finished Installation
DuctworK - Finished Installation on the Home Building Timeline at V-8
X-DuctworK Rough In
DuctworK Rough In : on the Home Building Timeline at DD-15
Easement on the Home Building Timeline at C-4, H-4, G-10, M-19; also throughout the diagram centered at D-3; also see BEADS KEYSTONE,
A NO-BUILD-ZONE, an Easement is an area of property used to preserve aspects of infrastructure, usually for multiple properties. No construction is ever allowed within an easement. No obstruction, such as fallen trees or the build up of discarded yard trimmings, etc., are ever allowed to remain, and must be removed immediately.
The most common easement is a Drainage Easement, which directs the flow of rain water in a manner to prevent flooding of or water damage to properties affected by the easement.
Electric Fixture, Disconnect
Electric Fixture, Disconnect on the Home Building Timeline at KK-8
Electrician to Disconnect Fixtures
Electrician to Disconnect Fixtures on the Home Building Timeline at KK-8
Errors on the Home Building Timeline at K-4, L-3, N-4
Extent of Structure
Extent of Structure on the Home Building G-7, H-13, S-25, Q-26, R-26, S-26, T-26
Diagrammed at at S-25, T-26
ALLOWED EXTENT OF STRUCTURES :The applied ‘extent’ of a structure is the part allowed to touch, but not cross a building line. Rules vary. The extent considered might be the edge of walls, footings, any overhangs, decKs, patios, stoops, steps, eaves, arbors, and more. CHECK CAREFULLY.
Exterior LooK and Style
Exterior LooK and Style on the Home Building Timeline in the diagram beginning at W-21
Form WorK ChecK
Form WorK ChecK on the Home Building Timeline at S-5
Form WorK, Remove
Form WorK, Remove on the Home Building Timeline at R-15
Front Building Line
Front Building Line on the HomeBuildingTimeline at E4 and E5.
Also see BEADS Keystone
The FRONT BUILDING LINE, also Know as the front setbacK line, marKs the point on any given property that is the nearest to the Front property line where a structure may be built.
MEASURING THE FRONT BUILDING LINE : The Front Building Line cannot measured from the street. the curb, the edge of the pavement, or the edge of the road. It must be measured from the property linedesignated as the Front of the lot. If you are unable to determine the exact location of the Front Property Line, then find a professional who can offer assistance.
Front Building SetbacK Line
Front Building SetbacK Line on the Home Building Timeline at B-9, C-9
Front SetbacK Line
Front SetbacK Line on the Home Building Timeline at B-9, C-9, E4, E5.
The FRONT SETBACK LINE, also Known as the front building line, marKs the point on any given property that is the nearest to the Front property line where a structure may be built.
MEASURING THE FRONT SetbacK LINE : The Front SetbacK Line is NOT measured from the street. the curb, the edge of the pavement, or the edge of the road. It must be measured from the property linedesignated as the Front of the lot. If you are unable to determine the exact location of the Front SetbacK Line, then find a professional who can offer assistance.
Gable Roof
Gable Roof on the Home Building Timeline at K-22, K-24, K-25, K26
Landscape Features, MarK on the Home Building Timeline at II-8, JJ-8
Lead Paint Remediation
Lead Paint Remediation on the Home Building Timeline at M-18, JJ-14, KK-21, MM-21
Lead Remediation - Paint and Pipes
Lead Remediation - Paint and Pipes on the Home Building Timeline at JJ-14, KK-21
LeaK Detection, Chronic
LeaK Detection, Chronic on the Home Building Timeline at P-14
Letter to Proceed
Letter to Proceed on the Home Building Timeline at KK-17
Light Fixture Removal for Renovation
Light Fixture Removal for Renovation on the Home Building Timeline at KK-7
Lighting, Portable - Rental
Lighting, Portable - Rental on the Home Building Timeline at KK-7
LivestocK on the Home Building Timeline at Y-26, Z-26
Location of House on Property
Location of House on Property on the Home Building Timeline at K-14
LooK of the Plan and House
LooK of the Plan and House on the Home Building Timeline at W-24, discussed at V-25, W-25
MarK ALL Homesite Corners, Lines, and Points
MarK ALL Homesite Corners, Lines, and Points on the Home Building Timeline at HH-8
MarK Trees and Landscape Features
MarK Trees and Landscape Features on the Home Building Timeline at II-8, JJ-8
MarKers - on the Home Building Timeline at Y-1
MarKers, Warning
MarKers, Warning on the Home Building Timeline at V-4
Masonry WorK, BricK WorK, and Stone WorK
Masonry WorK, BricK WorK, and Stone WorK on the Home Building Timeline at EE-10
Mechanical - Definition
Mechanical - Definition : Refers to all equipment related to the infrastructure of a house for the purpose of moving air and fluids. This includes HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) connections, duct-worK, and equipment, such as air handlers, furnaces, compressors, and humidifier/dehumidifier units. It also includes all plumbing pipes, fittings, and valves.
Money, Saving on the Home Building Timeline at K-6
MonKey See MonKey Do (also see MSMD)
MonKey See MonKey Do : An actual but wrong method of construction-cost calculation performed by an incompetent builder who is copying other incompetent builders, none of whom has any Knowledge of construction costs whatsoever.
Mud TracKs & Trails from Homesite
Mud TracKs & Trails from Home Site on the Home Building Timeline at EE-3
Plat Restrictions on the Home Building Timeline at F-9, within BEADS Keystone at H-10, and SITE HAZARDS at I-19, and M-16
Porch and DecK Construction, Finish
Porch and DecK Construction, Finish on the Home Building Timeline at DD-9
Possessions, Storage of
Possessions, Storage of : on the Home Building Timeline at KK-8
Property Boundary Line
Property Boundary Line on the Home Building Timeline within the diagram centered at D-3, shown as the thicK white line; and within the diagram centered at C-8., within the on-timeline article SITE LINES at F-6; and within the BEADS Keystone at H-10, I-10, L-12
Property Line
Property Line on the Home Building Timeline at B-10, C-10, D-10
Also within the diagram centered at D-3, shown as the thicK white line.
Also within the diagram centered at C-8.,
Article SITE LINES at F-6; and within the BEADS Keystone at H-10, I-10, L-12
Quality ChecK - Paint on the Home Building Timeline at AA-14
Quality ChecK, Surface Finishes
Quality ChecK, Surface Finishes on the Home Building Timeline at Z-15
QuicK Start
QuicK Start on the Home Building Timeline at O-2
Rear Building Set BacK Line
Rear Building Set BacK Line on the Home Building Timeline at C-1.
Restrictions, Plat
Restrictions, Plat on the Home Building Timeline at F-9, within BEADS Keystone at H-10, and SITE HAZARDS at I-19, and M-16
Right of Way on the Home Building Timeline at E-4, E-5, also within the on-timeline article, SITE LINES at F-6. Also diagrammed at B-10, C-10, D-10, B-11, C-11, D-11, A-15, D-15, A-16, D-16
A Right-of-Way (ROW) for a street, road, or highway is a special parcel of land. A road ROW sits beside and between other parcels of property. Some examples are streets, interstate highways, railroad tracKs, gas lines, and power lines.
A Right-of-Way for utilities is a special type of easement, and may pass through a privately owned parcel of land. In such a case, the landowner still possesses the land, but is not allowed to ever build within the ROW. Examples are gas pipelines, powerlines, and other utilities liKe cable television and telephone; and driveways allowing one owner to cross another owner's land.
Roof on the Home Building Timeline at AA-18, AA-19, EE-12, I-21, K-21, K-23, S-17, W-22, Z-16.
Roof Types
Roof Types on the Home Building Timeline diagrammed beginning at K-23
Roof, Gable
Roof, Gable on the Home Building Timeline at K-22, K-24, K-25, K26
Roof, Gable on Gable
Roof, Gable on Gable on the Home Building Timeline at K-26
Roof, Shed
Roof, Shed on the Home Building Timeline at K-22, K-25
ROW or Right of Way
ROW or Right of Way on the Home Building Timeline at E-4, E-5, also within the article, SITE LINES at F-6. Also diagrammed at B-10, C-10, D-10, B-11, C-11, D-11, A-15, D-15, A-16, D-16
A Right-of-Way (ROW) for a street, road, or highway is a special parcel of land. A road ROW sits beside and between other parcels of property. Some examples are streets, interstate highways, railroad tracKs, gas lines, and power lines.
A Right-of-Way for utilities is a special type of easement, and may pass through a privately owned parcel of land. In such a case the landowner still possesses the land, but is not allowed to ever build within the ROW. Examples are gas pipelines, powerlines, and other utilities liKe cable television and telephone; and driveways allowing one owner to cross another owner's land.
Septic TanK and Leach Field Location Verification on the Home Building Timeline at HH-22
SetbacK Line
SETBACK LINE on the Home Building Timeline in the diagram centered at A-18, D-3, B-7, B-9, C-7, C-9, D-7.
A SETBACK line is measured from a property line, whether front, side, or rear.
Hire a professional surveyor to help find the property line, first, then the setbacK lines.
SetbacK Line, Front Building
SetbacK Line, Front Building on the Home Building Timeline at B-9, C-9
SetbacK Line, Side Yard
SetbacK Line, Side Yard on the Home Building Timeline at G-3
SetbacK Side Yard - LEFT (or any)
SetbacK Side Yard - LEFT (or any side) on the Home Building Timeline at D-5
Shapes of Land Parcels
Shapes of Land Parcels on the Home Building Timeline at grid K-1
Shed Roof
Shed Roof on the Home Building Timeline at K-22, K-25
Shoring, Counter
Shoring, Counter on the Home Building Timeline at V-4
This is not about a Kitchen or bath counter. This is about balancing force to Keep a wall from collapsing, during renovation,or demolition.
Side Yard SetbacK Line
Side Yard SetbacK Line on the Home Building Timeline at F-2
SidewalK on the Home Building Timeline at G-5
SidewalK, Public
SidewalK, Public on the Home Building Timeline at E-5, A-15, D-15, A-16, D-16
Sill Plates on Top of Masonry Walls, ChecK - Square and Level
Sill Plates on Top of Masonry Walls, ChecK - Square and Level on the Home Building Timeline at Q-14
Silt Fence
Silt Fence on the Home Building Timeline at KK-2, S-5
Silt Fence Installation
Silt Fence Installation on the Home Building Timeline at II-8, Y-2
No physical materail is allowed to cross over any property line, whether sawdust, gravel, cement & mortar particles, lunch trash, human & animal waste, spilled paint, nails & screws, drywall bits & flaKes, even muddy water.
II-8 : Install primary silt fence for initial control of erosion and rain-water run-off from the property.
Y-2 : Install any needed additional Silt Fencing to assure full control of rain-water run-off.
SKill, Contractor's
SKill, Contractor's on the Home Building Timeline at II-20
SmoKe, Toxic
SmoKe, Toxic on the Home Building Timeline at CC-3
Soil Test
Soil Test on the Home Building Timeline at M-17, described at K-18, S-23
Stability of Everything
Stability of Everything on the Home Building Timeline at grid H-16.
Stair KicK Plate at the Bottom
Stair KicK Plate at the Bottom on the Home Building Timeline at MM-25, NN-25
Stair Stringer
Stair Stringer on the Home Building Timeline at NN-24, MM-26
A Structural Stringer supports the weight of the movement on the stairs of people and possessions.
A Decorative Stringer looKs pretty but is non-load-bearing.
SticKer ShocK on the Home Building Timeline at BB-25
Stone WorK, BricK WorK, and Masonry WorK
Stone WorK, BricK WorK, and Masonry WorK on the Home Building Timeline at EE-10
Stop and ThinK
Stop, and ThinK on the Home Building Timeline EVERYWHERE.
"ThinKing" is the second least-used tactic in the planning and construction process. The first least-employed tactic is stopping to do it.
Building anything dwelling-related is a hurried, high-pressure, higher-expectations, highest-emotional-state experience. 'Reason' is replaced by anxiety; and bad decision-maKing follows, naturally. The cure is to give yourself a moment to consider options. So, stop and thinK.
Learn these phrases and use them often:
"This doesn't seem right. I need some time to thinK about it."
"Let's looK at that more closely."
"How can we fix this problem?"
Gain the high ground in any situation by seizing the moment to stop and thinK.
Concerning every aspect of this project :
If you're unsure, stop and become certain.
If a thing is unKnown to you, stop and learn about it.
When a mistaKe is made, by you or others, stop and find of a solution.
The Key word is STOP. Don't worry if people around you are impatient. Stand firm, as you actively seeK positive solutions. -AB
Stop, Study, and ThinK
Stop, Study, and ThinK on the Home Building Timeline at CC-23, discussed at DD-24
Storage of Possessions
Storage of Possessions on the Home Building Timeline at KK-8
Storage, Kitchen
Storage, Kitchen on the Home Building Timeline at X-8, and within the article centered on Z-9
Storage, Kitchen Utensil
Storage, Kitchen Utensil on the Home Building Timeline at X-8, X-9
Storm Shelter, Concrete BlocK - Begin Construction
Storm Shelter, Concrete BlocK - Begin Construction on the Home Building Timeline at Q-8
Super Genius
Super Genius
Andy Noel founder of is one. He created the mechanism for this Index.
Sander de Wijs (de-Veihs for Americans) owner of The Netherlands-based Degrinthorst.nlis chief of programming, and also a super genius. He writes all of the code to maKe function.
Surface Finishes - Quality ChecK
Surface Finishes - Quality ChecK on the Home Building Timeline at AA-15
Texting on the Home Building Timeline at MM-15
Inside within the articles: